Die Isländerin wurde eingeladen, ihre Songs mit Berliner Musikern zu performen. Gestern haben sie zum ersten Mal miteinander geprobt und ein kleines, intimes Geheimkonzert gegeben, heute stand das richtige Konzert zur Eröffnung des XJazz-Festivals im Bii Nuu an. Was war für Emiliana Torrini das Besondere des Konzertes? Wie hat sie die Setliste ausgewählt?
„Tonight I didn’t have to do almost anything (lacht). When I met Sebastian (Sebastian Studnitzky, Erfinder und Kurator des XJazz-Festivals und Mitglied der Liveband) and he asked me “What’d you wanna do?”, I just said, you choose the songs and do whatever you want. That was so nice. Yesterday we played together for the first time and it felt like the best thing ever, I think. It was really free and I can learn so much of them, much more then they learn of me (lacht). It was amazing and really surprising, the songs that they chose. I thought they would go with the more dramatic underground deep tunes but they chose the warm musical pop ones. That was interesting. Yesterday (Warm-up-Gig) it was great cause I could hear and enjoying them like I was in the audience too. Tonight on stage it was a different kind of sound, so I missed them. It was really fun, more difficult but more fun.”
Emiliana Torrini, XJazz-Festival, Bii Nuu, 8. Mai 2014 in Berlin.